The Ngo Mozdahir International Is More Rooted In Mali

Between the Mozdahir International Institute and Mali, the new year opens under good auspices. Relations, which began long before, will be formalized in 2017, and will indeed record better developments. Both partners want to stay on an ascending line. A clear sign of the happy prospects already visible, the construction underway of the future headquarters of the Mozdahir International Institute in Mali located in the inner suburbs of Bamako, in Kalabancoro Adeken, near Wéréda, is very advanced. The site is experiencing a level of execution estimated at 65%. At this rate, the faithful hope that the eagerly awaited inauguration could well take place in 2021. What could be more normal when we know that the role of the NGO is to promote an Islam of peace, love, tolerance and sharing, but above all development through support programs for young people in particular and populations in general. For this purpose, the headquarters building will include a room of ” Housseyniya ” ( socio-religious enclosure where sessions of invocations, prayers, teachings, even accommodation of the faithful are held in case of necessity), a mosque and offices, which go with the facilities of drinking water supply, electricity and toilets. This finished seat will therefore be, one can easily understand, the crowning of a definitive implantation; a settlement agreement already binds the government of Mali to the prestigious institution.

This love in good shape now dates back three years, when the Mozdahir International Institute officially began its activities in Mali in 2017. Since then, its intervention has targeted priority sectors such as education, social, training and training seminars. on the original Islam which is the crucible of the sacred values ​​of the religion whose transmitter is Muhammad (sawas), the Prophet sent as a last resort as mercy to the whole universe. The Islam of such a Messenger cannot come to terms with countless crimes in the name of a merciful and compassionate God, otherwise quick to forgive. Assets of the Mozdahir International Institutein Mali, there is the private Mahdi high school which was built in Sébénikoro, a district west of Bamako, and inaugurated in October 2018 by His Eminence Chérif Mouhamed Aly Aïdara , founder and Guide of the Mozdahir community. The school has six classes, a well-motivated administration, a research laboratory, a well-equipped computer room, an amphitheater with 200 seats, six toilets, three of which are exclusively reserved for girls. Mahdi High School had an enrollment of some 150 students during the past school year, 2019-2020. After Bamako, 80 kilometers away on the axis leading to Ségou, Mopti and neighboring Burkina Faso, the Mozdahir International Institutemade achievements in the large town of Maraka-Coungo. These focused on a borehole for the supply of drinking water for the benefit of the populations who needed it so much, the erection of an orphanage, the construction of a high school with three classes, support for the Imam school group. Ali Ibn Abi Talib and food donations. That’s not all. In Kayes, capital of the first administrative region of Mali, the Guide Chérif Mouhamed Aly Aïdara made a memorable visit in January 2020. This was the opportunity to erect one of the oldest mosques in the city as a ” masdjid jumu” ‘at ”(Friday prayer mosque) for the Shiites in this area who asked for it. Other perspectives have been discussed and will soon be realized there. It should be noted that the Mozdahir International Institute (IMI) is a non-profit public utility association created in 2000 in Senegal by Chérif Mouhamed Aly Aïdara. After seven years of intense activities which have shown its seriousness and its positive impacts in the daily life of the populations, it benefited in 2007 from the approval of NGOs under the number 001475 MFFDSEF / DDC in Senegal, its cradle, and has then was able to sign headquarters agreements with the States of Senegal in 2012 and Guinea Bissau in 2013. Three years later, in 2016, it was the turn of the government of Côte d’Ivoire to sign a headquarters agreement with it. . IMI is now present in 12 countries where it is active in several areas including integrated sustainable development in the following thematic areas and fields of intervention: education and vocational training, health, community organization , culture, agriculture, solar energy, habitat, production, microcredit, rational management of environmental resources, reforestation and reforestation. The organization, which is firmly established in Senegal and in the West African sub-region, has headquarters agreements and approvals, as mentioned above. It currently has thousands of very active members around the world. This international network means that IMI can count on a vast network of partners among official bodies (ministries and local authorities, water and forestry services, agriculture; the Food Security Commission, specialized ministries, town halls, etc. ), SGBS (Senegal), international organizations (World Food Program) and associative groups (National Agency of Eco-villages ANEV; Association de la Voûte Nubienne) and many others.Chérif Mouhamed Aly Aïdara himself declines the vision of the institution he created for charity for the benefit of the faithful Muslim and the human being: ” The prosperity and the future of a country are based on quality. women and men called to bring it to life and to prepare it to hold its place in the concert of nations. From this observation was born the project to found our organization called Institut Mozdahir International, project developed by a team of competent and honest men and women whom I have the honor to lead. Our institution implements a vast humanitarian project which aims to train, supervise, support and sensitize the populations of Senegal and the sub-region on the original Islam which is a religion of Peace, of Love, Sharing, Tolerance and Progress. This ambition is also accompanied by a desire to participate in the sustainable human development of all peoples … ”Such an unwavering desire to serve Islam is no accident, far from it

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