For Action In Favor Of Justice, Peace And Prosperity In Senegal

Thanks to the name of Allah the Merciful in essence and par excellence, peace and salvation on our noble prophet Mohamed and the members of his pure and purified holy family .

At the beginning of my remarks, I would like to bow to the memory of the victims of the painful events that Senegal is going through, and to pray that God will welcome them in his infinite Mercy.

To the families grieved by the brutal and tragic loss of one of their own, I express my compassion and send my sincere condolences. At the same time, I wish a speedy recovery to all Senegalese who have been blessed during recent events.

Our heart bleeds at the sight of the land of Téranga, hospitality and peace have become in recent days the scene of violence that has resulted in the death of several of its citizens. We pray for peace to be restored in our country and for an end to violence against people and property. Our prayers are not, however, a call to stand still, and we urge all Senegalese, and more particularly the leaders and officials who hold the trust of the people, to act, despite their disagreements, for the advent of lasting peace. in Senegal.

Peace, the best of blessings, cannot prosper in the absence of independent, equitable, impartial and social justice, the only one capable of protecting it.

“ Certainly there is as much evil in injustice as there is good in justice”, and “whenever there is a poor person who suffers from hunger, there is somewhere a rich man who eats too much” said the Imam Ali , peace be upon him.

It is up to everyone to take their responsibilities so that the Senegalese people recover from this terrible ordeal and enter a new era of justice, peace and prosperity.

May God protect our dear country Senegal. Cherif Mouhamed Aly Aïdara: Guide of the Shiite Mozdahir Community .

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