

An NGO at the heart of development for a just and united world.

The Mozdahir International Institute (IMI) is a non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 2000 by Cherif Mohamed Aly Aidara and headquartered in Dakar. IMI benefits from a headquarters agreement and / or an approval as an International NGO with several States of the sub-region including Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Guinea Bissau among others.

It is present in 12 countries.

The NGO Mozdahir International is active in several areas including integrated sustainable development in the following thematic areas and fields of intervention: Education and vocational training, health, community organization, culture, agriculture, solar energy, housing, production, microcredit, rational management of environmental resources, reforestation and reforestation.


We Donate to charity causes
around the world.

Water Delivery

We believe Water and Sanitation programmes are essential to help turn a house into a healthy home.

Medicine Help

We’ve come forward to help this poor population to provide them healthcare facilities which is their right.

Life On Land

Our organization mostly do tree Plantation drive in city. join us to save earth for next generation.

Water Delivery

We build affordable homes to tackle housing poverty around the country, and provide non-profit loans.

Quality Education

Through the power of quality education enabling moral, spiritual and intellectual enlightenment.

Life Below Water

40 percent of the ocean is heavily affected by pollution, depleted fisheries, loss of coastal and habitats.

Clean Energy

Our goal is to enable access to off-grid lighting and energy products for country by catalyzing the market.


We have mission of using legal advocacy to protect and promote the Human rights of all.



We believe that we can save more lifes with you.

Increase the capacity of the community to take charge of its destiny and be an actor in its own development while preserving its environment.

It is for this reason that IMI has always been very active in the fight against radicalization by effectively combating the main causes of the latter, namely ignorance and underdevelopment, through his books, his actions and his accomplishments.


Donate today and get
involved to save the world

The NGO Mozdahir International is active in several areas including integrated sustainable development in the following thematic areas and fields of intervention: Education and vocational training, health, community organization, culture, agriculture, solar energy, housing, production, microcredit, rational management of environmental resources, reforestation and reforestation.

Have any question about donation?

Call Now: +221 33 836 81 07


Drunk on the teachings of an Islam of peace, love, tolerance and sharing, Chérif Mohamed Ali Aïdara is also and above all a fierce activist for endogenous development in Africa, with strong convictions on the urgent need for the elites of the continent, to be the spearheads.

During his permanent quest for new knowledge and experiences, this staunch defender of noble and just causes, will be confronted with the unbearable living conditions of his fellow citizens, in the grip of the worst privations, wherever, under their feet and around them. them, Mother Nature did not stop unrolling her carpet of unsuspected riches.

Scandalized by the prevailing immobility, and even more by the rank occupied by Kolda, his native region, on the scale of poverty, Chérif resolved to demonstrate to the world that this situation was not inevitable. , and that it was even possible to live decently by relying on the natural potential of the land, whose exploitation left much to be desired.

This was the trigger that led to the founding of the Mozdahir International Institute (IMI), and the start of an intense crusade against ignorance, hunger, disease, idleness and the lack of prospects, so many factors constituting an environment of absolute poverty and culpable resignation.

The objective of the creation of this NGO IMI was first of all to help the inhabitants of these deprived rural areas to rearm themselves morally, to regain self-confidence to get out of the negative spiral. It was then a question of giving them reasons to believe again in the future by sensitizing them on the need to invest fully in the development of local resources. These lands, forests, watercourses and solar energy that nature had graciously placed at their disposal, in the eyes of Chérif Mohamed Aly Aïdara constituted an inestimable heritage and a wealth at hand which only asked to be fruitful.

It is in this that we must magnify the avant-garde vision as well as the militant commitment of the Mozdahir International Institute (IMI) and its founder alongside populations who have rediscovered happiness and, above all, the dignity of living. Henceforth by themselves and for themselves.

The experience has ended up being emulated at the level of the sub-region where governments, seduced by this new community dynamic, are taking a closer look at these examples of initiatives for inclusive development.

Our achievements

To date, the achievements of the Mozdahir International Institute are numerous. He has several achievements to his credit, among which we can mention, among others.

The acquisition of land to house dozens of schools and mosques.

  1. The Mozdahir high school of excellence in Bamako.
  2. The Mozdahir high school of Ouagadougou.
  3. The construction of the private high school of excellence Mozdahir “Al Mahdi School” R + 1 of 6 classes in Kolda in the same enclosure as the reception center.
  4. The construction of an Islamic complex in Bafata in Guinea Bissau (an R + 2 school with 35 classrooms, a mosque and shops.)
  5. The construction of a cultural center housing the departmental representation of the NGO in Vélingara.
  6. The development of irrigated agricultural areas for the benefit of rural populations, in particular women and young people.
  7. Improving agricultural production systems to promote food self-sufficiency.
  8. Between 2007 and 2019 several hectares of land were reforested in the Kolda and Thiès region with nearly 3 million plants of various species.
  9. The establishment of health infrastructures and the promotion of pharmacopoeia.
  10. The popularization of alternative construction techniques in the field of housing.
  11. Editing of several works in French, English, Portuguese, Arabic, Wolof, Poular etc.
  12. The opening of a Mozdahir FM 93.2 community radio station in Guediawaye in the suburbs of Dakar.
  13. The construction of an Islamic complex in the ZAC of Mbao with a mosque, a multipurpose education and training center.
  14. Hundreds of wells and hydraulic boreholes in Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ivory Coast etc.

Our mission

Increase the capacity of the community to take charge of its destiny and be an actor in its own development while preserving its environment.

Our core values

Ethics and transparency, respect for diversity and the human person, protection of the
environment are essential values ​​that the Mozdahir International Institute (IMI) has elevated in worship within it.

Our method

The development of Islam and the development of man in general, To be a partner in the sustainable development of the community through a presence, advice.

Years Of Foundation
Monthly Donors
Incredible Volunteers
Successful Campains